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National Drive It Day is usually held on the nearest Sunday to the 23rd April.
This date was chosen in 2005 to commemorate the 64 cars which set off on the 23rd April 1900 on a 1000 mile Trial, an incredible undertaking in those days and one which we believe deserves an annual celebration.

The date this year is the 21st April and the destination is
the Grampian Transport Museum in Alford

The run is about 30 miles long and will take about an hour.

We will meet at Aberdeen Beach Esplanade and depart at 10:30 am.

Owners are welcome to join the Run whether they are members of the Club or not.

There is no need to register.

Line up along the Esplanade from the Beach Ballroom.
If we all point south and park at an angle this should make departing easier.

There may be several organised runs meeting there but ours will set off and the traffic lights break us up into small groups so that we don't have a large convoy.
We drive up the Beach Boulevard and W. North St to Mounthooly roundabout then up Hutcheon St and straight out to Alford on the A944.

When we arrive we will park around the track.

There is a detailed map on Google Maps:

There will be limited catering available so packed lunches are suggested.

There will be a reduced entry fee to the museum

Enjoy your run and visit.

Alan Sharpe Home tel. 01467 621189 Mobile 0776 290 2897

Secretary E-mail: